Small Business BC

601 W Cordova St · Vancouver , V6B 1G1

Phone: 604-775-5525


Our Vision: A Champion for British Columbia’s...

Our Vision: A Champion for British Columbia’s Small BusinessesSmall Business BC is British Columbia’s premiere resource centre for knowledge-based business products and services.Our core activities are supported by funds from Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology. Through our ongoing operations and public and private sector partnerships with organizations like WorkSafeBC, we’re able to offer additional products and services to the small business community.Our Strategic Mandate1. To provide entrepreneurs with products and services that will assist their successful entry into small business ventures.2. To provide small businesses at every stage of development with products, services, and support that;Assist in development and growthImprove productivityIncrease profitabilityEnable businesses to take advantage of new opportunities
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